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sonia #148 an interview with Mark Fisher, part 1
Mark Fisher is a writer, teacher and theorist living in Suffolk, England. His k-punk blog has been a well respected resource for cultural analysis on the web since its launch in 2003. In 2009, he published his first book, 'Capitalist Realism', where he explores the widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but also that it is now impossible even to imagine a coherent alternative to it. In it, Fisher analyses the role of the media, the education system, the link between Neoliberalism and brain chemistry, and what he calls business ontology 'in a world in which internment camps and franchise coffee bars co-exist.'
probes #1 curated by Chris Cutler
In the late nineteenth century two facts conspired to change the face of music: the collapse of common practice tonality (which overturned the certainties underpinning the world of Art music), and the invention of a revolutionary new form of memory, sound recording (which redefined and greatly empowered the world of popular music). A tidal wave of probes and experiments into new musical resources and new organisational practices ploughed through both disciplines, bringing parts of each onto shared terrain before rolling on to underpin a new aesthetics able to follow sound and its manipulations beyond the narrow confines of ‘music’. This series tries analytically to trace and explain these developments, and to show how, and why, both musical and post-musical genres take the forms they do. This first programme sets the scene and investigates early reconsiderations of pitch: probes that postulate new scales to be constructed through the ever-greater subdivision of the inherited intervals of equal temperament.
more: http://rwm.macba.cat/