

« Garagepunx » Hideout: Kicks From The Boot #25

Freitag, 18. Jan 2013, 05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
2013-01-18 05:00:00 2013-01-18 06:00:00 Pi Radio
Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.

Hideout: Kicks From The Boot #25

Brand new fresh issues for the summer heat with The Adolescents, Dwarves, Masonics, Shannon & the Clams, Sunny & the Sunsets, the Connection and many more. Italian boot kick by the Intellectuals, thee Oops!, the Monolithics, thee Catacombs.

  1. The CONNECTION - Stop Talking
  2. PCAT & the DIRTY JOHNSONS - Vampire Sugar
  3. The ADOLESCENTS - One Nation Under Siege
  4. The DWARVES - I Masturbate me
  5. Thee OOPS! - Wooden Cunt
  6. FIFI & the MACH III - Swing a Big Hammer
  7. HUNX and his PUNX - Dream On (Little Dreamer)
  8. The INTELLECTUALS - A Cheap Religion
  9. CHUCK VIOLENCE and his ONE MAN BAND - Just Because of You
  10. JACK O' FIRE - Wine Wine Wine
  11. The OTHERMAN - I don't Know Why
  12. TWIN GUNS - Safe
  13. The SIBERIANS - Who's Laughing Now
  14. The SPLITS - Crazy For You
  15. KNYGHTS of FUZZ - U.G.L.Y.
  16. The MONOLITHICS - Head or Tail
  17. The CHURCH of ENTERTAINMENT HEDONISM - Bubbleonia Rising
  18. The EVILTONES Toddler's Joys
  19. Thee CATACOMBS - You're Wild
  20. SHANNON & The CLAMS - King of the Sea
  21. The MASONICS - Sorrow Lane
  22. SONNY & The SUNSETS - Acres of Lust
  23. SLATE DUMP - The Addiction Waltz