« Garagepunx » Hideout: 40 Oz. Nonsense #20
Donnerstag, 20. Jun 2013,
05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.

Hideout: 40 Oz. Nonsense #20
- Galgos-"Save Rock and Roll"
- The Bomboras-"Monsoon"
- Deaf Preachers-"Don't Burn My Face Again"
- Live Ones-"Disowned"
- The Pinx-"Say When"
- Stallion-"Violate the Night"
- Clone Defects-"Plastic Stuff"
- Laika & the Cosmonauts-"Surf's You Right"
- Gravel Guts-"Born Broke"
- Wolfmother-"Apple Tree"
- The Sons Of Hercules-"Bad Blood"
- The Paybacks-"Me"
- Electric Frankenstein-"My World"
- The Phantom Surfers-"Out the Window"
- The Deviants-"Lost Johnny"
- Gedo-"Scent"
- The Outcasts-"1523 Blair"
- NEU!-"After Eight"
- The Pink Fairies-"City Kids"