« radio aporee » mit einem special der winterakademie des theaters an der parkaue

cf. radio.aporee.org
diesmal mit einem special der winterakademie des theaters an der parkaue:
Labor 6
Radioraum – Raumradio
Spuren im Stadtraum – Radio – Senden/Empfangen
12-14 jährige Schüler/innen erkunden den Stadtraum und erforschen seine mediale Signatur. Sie experimentieren mit den Medien Internet, Radio, Telefon, erstellen Karten vom Klang der Stadt, bauen Sender, testen ihre Reichweiten, produzieren Radio und machen das Theater zum Funkhaus.
Laborleitung: Udo Noll, Medienkünstler
Laborbegleitung: Amelie Mallmann
radio aporee ::: maps has started 2006, based on former artistic research on mapping, spatial conditions and the navigation between the real and the virtual. The idea being to connect sound and space, and to create a cartography which focuses solely on sound, and open it to the public as a collaborative project. It contains 1000s of recordings from numerous urban, rural and natural environments, showing the sonic complexity of these environments, as well as the different perception and artistic perspectives related to sound, space and places.
radio aporee 52° 29' 66" N, 13° 25' 26" E ::: maps http://aporee.org/maps/ ::: stream http://radio.aporee.org ::: miniatures for mobiles http://aporee.org/mfm/