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« Picnic Radio » Picnic Radio
Mittwoch, 27. Mär 2013,
02:00 bis 03:00 Uhr
Radio Picnic is a residence radio project developed by Zonoff and hosted by Picnic Raum in Berlin. Every week an artist is invited to create a new radio work.

This month…
in residence from january 7th to january 14th 2013 http://www.wildrfid.net
- THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER* the decision book - 50 models for strategic thinking
- when you are a teacher, a professor, a pilot or a top manager you will be confronted by the same questions time and again.*
- how do i make the right decision? how can i motivate myself or my team? how can i change things? how can i work more efficiently?*
how we can apply this strategic instruction in a creative process? for example for a radio play?
reading voice by urge http://thecrippledkey.bandcamp.com/
lenght: 21'29 language: english, french tags: reading, sound, music
GIORGIO GABBER AKA DELMORE FX in residence from december 10th to december 16th 2012 http://www.dasandereselbst.org/
- A SONG CONTEST* giorgio gabber came with some poem he wrote and said to johnny haway: *- pick those you want and let's do some sound poetry.* johnny said: *- love!*
lenght: 31'56 language: german, english tags: sound poetry
1 Kommentar
27. Mär 2013 - 02:32
kurzweiliges ultrakurzwellen picnic