« radio web macba » sonia #182

sonia #182 Bradien + Eduard Escoffet mixtape
19.09.2013 (43' 59'')
Music selection by Matías Rossi and Eduard Escoffet. Mixed by Lucrecia Dalt
In SON[I]A #182 we invited Matías Rossi, founding member of Bradien, and Eduard Escoffet, to pick 10 anchor points to put into perspective the content of their album 'Pols'. Now here's a mixtape made from their music selection. Lucrecia Dalt, producer of the program, took care of it.
Oriol Vilanova recites 'Còpies'
27.09.2013 (19' 19'')
In this sound piece, Oriol Vilanova recites, one after another and in no particular order, the more than one thousand names of the cities that feature in the collection of triumphal arches in 'Còpies', one of his works in the MACBA Collection. Somewhere between poetic intervention and absurdity, Vilanova's calm recital functions as a rereading of material acquired in flea markets, one of his obsessions, and emphasises some of the key concepts in his modus operandi, such as repetition, in-between spaces, semantic turns, intervals and transitions.