« Salon Bruit » Supersonic

Salon Bruit ist ein heimatloser Treffpunkt für Anhörer und Komponisten experimenteller Musik und Geräusche. Bei ihre Sendungen gibt es live experimentierende Musikern und aufnahmen von band zu hören.
Six years after its first performance for Radio Tesla in Berlin, Anna Friz and Emmanuel Madan have returned to their experimental radio play The Joy Channel : a science fiction scenario proposing that the radio of the future will carry not sounds but human emotions. Friz and Madan explore tensions between empathic realization and the neurological manipulation of emotions, the interaction between the listeners as active or passive subjects, and the renewed struggle over access to the airwaves. We'll share some recorded excerpts from the forthcoming work and play together in studio, hopefully with Séamus as well.
The Joy Channel was originally created in 2007 for Radiovisionen, a festival exploring the possible manifestations of radio in 150 years.
http://www.tesla-berlin.de/page335.html http://www.kunstradio.at/2008A/11_05_08en.html