
∏-node - radio - experiment - collaboration

Mittwoch, 29. Jan 2014, 00:00 bis 02:00 Uhr
2014-01-29 00:00:00 2014-01-29 02:00:00 CoLaboRadio
Welcome to Π-node. Π-node is a hybrid web/FM infrastructure. Π-node is a multi-local-transceiver radio, with several nodes dispatched in the city, on 108.88 MHz FM.

Π-node is a hybrid web/FM infrastructure. Π-node is a multi-local-transceiver radio, with several nodes dispatched in the city, on 108.88 MHz FM.

Each node is a sound transmitter / receiver that can be used in different ways depending on the program: stream to fm broadcasting micro local fm radio pirate box streaming microphone streaming network data sonification

Playing will be:
Sten-Olof Hellström
Ann Rosén
Mangrove Kipling
Jeff Kolar
Anna Friz

∏-node will be broadcasting its hybrid radio stream online, 24 hours a day, from 24.1.–2.2.2014 via Both local Berliners and radio/hacker enthusiasts worldwide are invited to feed content (live music, streams, talks) into ∏-node’s diffusion stream as of 24.1. via an IRC (internet relay chat) on the group's website.

Those in Berlin are invited to visit ∏-node at its week-long home in the Where is Jesus? café (20.1–2.2.2014, daily 11–22h), and to participate in the project by building radio transmitters and various devices such as small radios, cheap emitters/transmitters, and frequency jammers.

The public is also invited to search for radio transmitters diffusing ∏-Node’s ongoing, 24-hour broadcasts. Transmitters will be placed in different locations in the Kreuzberg neighbourhood daily, and indicated on the map.

∏-node’s experimentation will culminate in a final event on Sunday 2.2.2014 at West Germany and will subsequently be broadcast on Deutschlandradio Kultur / Klangkunst on 07.2.2014, 0h05.