« Nokogiribiki » Studio Ernst #147
Freitag, 12. Mär 2021,
03:00 bis 05:00 Uhr
Avantgardistische Elektronika und frickelige Klangexperimente.

NOKO 147 - Studio Ernst
Experimental shoot hoops for MUFF - Crystal Clear Transparency, part of the arts festival Lindenow #13. live selected collectively with Kid Kozmoe and a wink to our friends at Studio Ernst, their natural surroundings.
- intro. Stock, Hausen & Walkman - broccoli {Hot Air, 1997}
- Astrobotnia - untitled (A5) {Rephlex, 2002}
Kid Kozmoe
- Le Petit Mort - geheimes wissen {orig. 1986; Bureau B, 2017}
- Magdalene Keibel Combo - er hat’s geschafft {orig. 1989; Bureau B, 2017}
- Ursula Bogner - atmosphärische energie {orig. 1980s; Faitiche, 2017}
- Aina Myrstener Cello - liten pyramid {Flora & Fauna, 2016}
- Вадим Храпачёв - финал {orig. 1982; Baran Records, 2016}
- Moondog - from one to nine {orig. Mars / London Records, 1953; Honest Jon’s, 2004}
- Jan Akkerman - wallenberg (dedicated to Raoul Wallenberg) {CBS, 1984}
- James Ferraro - booty call {Hippos In Tanks, 2012}
- Mika Vainio - ant steamtrap {Elektro Music Department, 2017}
- The Flying Lizards - new voice {Virgin, 1981}
- Nash The Slash - wolf {Dindisc / Cut-Throat Records, 1980}
- Johnny Jewel - windswept (reprise) {Rhino Records, 2017}
- Trans Am - am rhein {Thrill Jockey, 1999; reissue 2011}
- The David Amram Quintet plays Nino Rota - satyricon {Hannibal Records, 1981}
- Max Goldt - sommerkeuch in arni astakühl {FünfUndVierzig / Team Records, 1986}
- Superstar & Star - keep on rocking (DJ Im Sorry mix) {Porridge Bullet / Pudru Kuul, 2016}
- Interstellar Funk - start stop {Rubber, 2016}
- Madame Chao - my heart {V/Vm Test Records, 2003}
- Lilli Berlin - freizeit {Rocktopus, 1982}
- PVT - vertigo (Hype Williams snapback remix) {Felte, 2013}
- Stock, Hausen & Walkman - cruel {Hot Air, 1997}
- Rote Gitarren - consuela {Amiga, 1971}
- Sun - i don’t mind (Norbert Möslang remix) {Preservation / Staubgold, 2001}
- Nitzer Ebb - time slips by {Mute / Geffen Records, 1989}
- Skip Found Teli & M-Pi - panty boiler {V/Vm Test Records, 2003}
- Soma Holiday - too many people {Les Disques Du Soleil Et De L'Acier, 1984; reissue Minimal Wave, 2014}
- Silicon - dope {Weird World, 2015}
- Stoffwechsel - fly, fliege, fly {Peking Records / SPV GmbH, 1989; Bureau B, 2017}
- Sun Araw - grip {Sun Ark Records, 2012}
- Ariel Pink - another weekend {Mexican Summer, 2017}
Weird broadcast radio since 2005.
Eine Sendeübernahme von Radio Blau aus Leipzig.