
« ABA » Air SALON: “I AM SEVERAL” – Marjolein van der Meer

Dienstag, 20. Jul 2021, 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
2021-07-20 16:00:00 2021-07-20 17:00:00 CoLaboRadio

In this one hour radio piece, Marjolein vd Meer takes you on a journey through inspirations and explorations around her latest project ‘I am several’ which she is currently realizing at Fresh A.I.R. Berlin. This hour will include choir pieces, hiphop and some of her own musical and textual experiments.

Marjolein van der Meer (The Netherlands, 1986) is a spoken word artist, a singer and musician, performer and director of performance. Loosely combining music, image and text she creates multi-layered songs, concepts and performances, soundscapes and audio pieces that reveal her way of looking at the world. Her work is playful and combines the abstract with daily life, trying to reach beyond the surface through building structures of language and music, using the subconscious, poetry and movement. Together with musician Raymond Deirkauf, Marjolein has an electronic music duo called “I, poor romantic”. The duo released their first single “Cool, oh no Cool” in 2017 and an EP based on Grimm fairy tales in 2019. Grimm toured extensively through theaters in The Netherlands and Belgium. Marjolein van der Meer previously created performances for Frascati and de Brakke Grond in Amsterdam, NL. Her audio documentaries were broadcast on the Dutch national radio (Hollanddoc) and online through national newspaper NRC.

I AM SEVERAL is an electronic music piece leading up to a performance, using a polyphony of voices, from the inside and out, to address diversity. It is about the different people we can be, pluriformity versus surrender, the individual versus the group. The piece uses everyday situations, sounds and movement to create a certain unity, a choir of people in which each individual's autonomy can be reflected. This project is about finding ones voice, about being autonomous and the loneliness this can bring forth, but also about ways in which we are so elementary alike. Made in collaboration with choreographer Merel Franx.

ABA Air SALON is a radio format produced by Air Berlin Alexanderplatz, a Berlin based artist initiative dealing with the distribution and documentation of forms of collective and experimental knowledge production. The broadcasts come from different locations in Berlin where we organize salons. At these salons we meet with local actors, artists, scientists and other cultural producers to exchange around research based artistic projects and practices. You can find more information about our program at

ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz) e.V., is a research-oriented artists' initiative founded in Berlin in 2009 by the artists Susanne Kriemann & Aleksander Komarov. The programme focuses on ephemeral artistic research and collective and experimental knowledge production. ABA’s operations consist of the conception, curation and implementation of various presentational formats: The organization of salons in different locations acros the city, the release of publications, the stewardship of a residency-program and the maintenance of a website as a central place for documentation and achivation of these forms of ephmeral knowledge production.