
2021-10-12 20:30:00 2021-10-12 21:00:00 CoLaboRadio

«Nomadic Art» NomadicRadio #18
Dienstag, 12. Okt 2021, 20:30 bis 21:00 Uhr

On this occasion, we invited our good friends @uri.silverio and @remaritamol to share some sound, melodies, and thoughts on the day-to-day, neighborhood, private and public life. With an ethnographic and urbanistic approach.
Nomadic Art

nomadic Radio is part of the art platform nomadicArt. nomadic Radio is a sound-recording platform, interested in audios, interviews, and experimental sounds. Open to sound artists and to all those who are interested in a new way of recording neighborhood, urbanism, and migratory experiences.

nomadicArt is a cultural platform offering diverse creative and artistic activities, which aim to help newly arrived citizens to enter the public arena despite legal obstacles restricting their mobility and inclusion in social life. The workshops and events are facilitated by nomadicArt and are co-created by migrants both with a professional artistic background and without. They provide a safe space for exchange and action. Besides, nomadicArt aims to connect and include various stakeholders from society: migrants, activists, researchers, volunteers, and other actors in the close neighborhood.


88,4 MHz - CoLaboRadio