

« Nomadic Art » nomadicRadio: SESSION #19

Dienstag, 14. Dez 2021, 20:30 bis 21:00 Uhr
2021-12-14 20:30:00 2021-12-14 21:00:00 CoLaboRadio
nomadic Radio is part of the art platform nomadicArt. nomadic Radio is a sound-recording platform, interested in audios, interviews and experimental sounds.
Nomadic Art

Session N19 is our last show of the year 2021. A very unstable year for all of us from a local-global and human-natural perspective. For this reason, we kindly invite our nomadic friends Veza Czyn and Matias Laney to take over our radio space and share their latest sound compositions about nature's elements and its ritualistic process of healing and reflection.

In the first part, we will listen to Veza with "becoming land" a 13" ethnographic sound poetry, where she describes her departure from her apartment and poetically becomes land. As she says "This is a story about how I left my apartment and became land. 100 years from now I will have become the compost to the earth in the garden. 100 years from now I will have become the soil to the weeds in the field. 100 years from now I will have become the plants that grow out of the cracks in the concrete. The only way to survive is to start becoming land”

Following Matias in collaboration with his sound collective OLA (Federico Chillo and Lucho Cabrera) with the sound piece "Compas Mag" 13". Laney + OLA uses the magnetic compass of navigation as the motive force of their sonic research work. He is interested in the strength and reliability that the compass has with the earth's magnetic core. In his words " I've been working calibrating, compensating and measuring magnetic compasses for the past four years in the Rio de la Plata". COMPAS MAG takes a journey from waiting at the dock to embarking and disembarking a ship.

We hope that with these two sound pieces, you can enter in the journey of their authors, from the land and European soil to the navigation in the Rio de la Plata in South America.


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