« Berliner Runde hosted by elle dit » Fem*_Music*_ @ Vorspiel 2022: special live show!

As part of Vorspiel 2022 Fem*_Music*_ is broadcasting a special live radio show. Through an open call and public poll, different pieces by both emerging/student composers as well as previously broadcast pieces by Fem*_Music*_ have been selected for the show.
Live from Das Kapital in Berlin Neukölln - join us there or via the broadcast!
Featuring the following pieces; Beatritz la Comtesse de Diá - "A chantar m'er de so qu'ieu non voldria" (1100-1200) Delia Derbyshire - "Ziwzih Ziwzih OO-OO-OO" (1967) Lafawndah - Uniform - "Ancestor Boy" (2019) Sister Rosetta Tharpe - "Didn't It Rain" (Live, 1964) Mimi Mitina - "Her" Lara Alarcón - "Mi demonio es mi santuario (VQ)" Aine Eva Nakamura - "Biwanoha (loquat leaf)" Vanja Dabic - "DisIzIt" Ilona Perger - "Klangfenster” Marta Talvet - “highway”
FEM*_ MUSIC*_ is a participatory and non-hierarchical project which began in 2016 and which deals with the topic of Feminism in contemporary music production from various perspectives. / FEM*_MUSIC*_ ist ein einzigartig partizipatives und möglichst hierarchiearmes Projekt, das seit 2016 existiert und sich mit dem Thema Feminismus im gesamten Feld der Produktion zeitgenössischer Musik unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten beschäftigt.
elle dit - Statistically women* are still underrepresented in most forms of media. In this instance we take raising your voice literally and produce a one hour show featuring women*'s voices. elle dit invites all women* in Berlin to make contributions - participating in a live show, contributing music, sound pieces, stories, interviews, readings, or any other kind of audio contribution. Although we focus on creative and cultural work and women* in the arts, contributions from all fields are welcome. Beginning in English and German, the show also aims to include contributions in other languages. elle dit is an inclusive platform which takes an intersectional and feminist approach to making radio and aims to include all women* (female identifying, trans, queer,…). Anyone interested can contact Colaboradio with the subject: elle dit.
On the fourth Tuesday of the month elle dit hosts Berliner Runde - an hour exploring what's going on in Berlin with music, interviews, news and more!