

« Loretta y LaBeouf » No, not that one, the other one

Dienstag, 26. Apr 2022, 23:00 bis 00:00 Uhr
2022-04-26 23:00:00 2022-04-27 00:00:00 CoLaboRadio
Digging deep in the agonal jukebox that floats through the ether.
Loretta y LaBeouf

Getting lost and overstrained. And as you hear a spurt of flames dart from the tank, your are actually listening to the attempt of peeling a banana without hands. Worshipping the compound of Spinoza and Shirley. Being guided by my blind passenger and imaginary co-host Mr. LaBeouf through this hour of darkness. Operating undead music remote, through this tapewormhole into the broken, bouncing and far-flung obscurity that is your kitchen radio. Every fourth Tuesday of the month - 11pm till m i d n i g h t

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