

« IndieRe2.0 » Independent Radio Exchange: Near FM, Dublin, Ireland #51

Donnerstag, 06. Apr 2023, 11:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
2023-04-06 11:00:00 2023-04-06 12:00:00 Pi Radio
Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie? Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich verschiedene Freie Radios aus Europa in Ihrem Musikmagazin beschäftigen.
Bild: Radio Študent

IndieRe Radio Show 51 by Near FM, Dublin, Ireland

The 51st episode of IndieRe is brought to you by Near FM in Dublin, produced and presented by Neil Farrelly. In this episode we showcase some of the best up and coming Irish artists. Ireland is currently a hot bed of acts breaking through internationally, from Fontaines DC, Gilla Band and The Murder Capital, to Sorcha Richardson, Lankum and Lisa O'Neill, there are new artists from all genres making waves all the time. Here we showcase some bands we think are great and you will also hear more about into the future. They hail from all over Ireland, and represent a multicultural and diverse Ireland. The artists include Sprints, Felispeaks, Rory Sweeney, Actualacid, Rex Arcum, Thee U.F.O., Krypton Bulb, Aoife Wolf, Fizzy Orange, Jam Hades and Pretty Happy. There are also interviews with Andy Marke from the Dublin based label, Fuzzed Up, and with Mark from the band Jam Hades.

  1. Sprints – Literary Mind [4:55] (Literary Mind, City Slang, 2023)
  2. Felispeaks – Tough Meat [4:28] (singel, 2022)
  3. Rory Sweeney, Ahmed, with Love., E the Artist, Julia Louise Knifefist – Junya Watanabe [2:11] (Trash Catalogue Part 2, 2022)
  4. Rex Arcum, Syano – Lotto Boy [3:14] (singel, 2023)
  5. Actualacid – Half Time [3:14] (Boredoms 400, Hausu, 2022)
  6. Thee U.F.O – Fraud on the Court [1:59] (Ponderous Fug, Fuzzed up & Astromoon Records, Gelatinous Records, 2022)
  7. Krypton Bulb – Jackie's Man [3:41] (Jackie's Man, Fuzzed up & Astromoon Records, 2023)
  8. Aoife Wolf – The Wetlands [3:57] (The Wetlands, Analogue Catalogue, 2022)
  9. Fizzy Orange – Cafe Continental [3:27] (singel, 2022)
  10. Jam Hades – The Edge [4:07] (The Edge of Regret, samozaložba, 2023)
  11. Pretty Happy – Boots [3:39] (Echo Boy, Foggy Notions, 2022)

    • Produced by Near FM, Dublin.
    • Prepared, announced and mixed by Neil Farrelly.

IndieRE - Independent Radio Exchange

Was macht die lokale Musikszene Sevillas aus? Vor welchen besonderen Herausforderungen stehen Nachwuchskünstler:innen in Budapest angesichts der dortigen politischen Situation? Welche Verbindungen und Gemeinsamkeiten lassen sich zwischen der Independent Musikkultur in Graz, Halle und Dublin finden und was unterscheidet sie? Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie?

Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich Radio Študent aus Ljubljana, das Netzwerk verschiedener französischer Uniradios namens Radio Campus, Radio CORAX aus Halle (Saale), EMA-RTV aus Sevilla, Radio Helsinki aus Graz, Near FM aus Dublin, Radio Student aus Zagreb und Civil Radio aus Budapest beschäftigen. Gemeinsam arbeiten sie dafür im Rahmen des EU-Projekts "Independent Radio Exchange" für die nächsten zwei Jahre zusammen.

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