« IndieRe2.0 » Independent Radio Exchange: Radio Corax, Halle #66

IndieRE #66 by Radio Corax, Halle
Dvaindvajseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Radio in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.
The 66th edition of IndieRE produced by Radio Corax Halle mainly features local DIY rock and punk bands as well as solo projects and by that, it introduces the listener to a really vivid and dedicated music and concert scene around Halle and Leipzig. Also, to look over a rim of a tea cup, the show presents two rap artists from Berlin and Halle who recently released new singles.
The local punk music scene in Halle and Leipzig can only be so vivid through its characters who play in (sometimes several) bands, do solo projects, organize concerts, record and release music from one another and just get together and connect. Some of those characters will be introduced to you on the show, such as Frankie (Halle) who plays in a band but has also just released her self-recorded solo debut and is quite active in organizing concerts in the local area. Also, the Leipzig based band Wrackspurts that is around for quite a while now talk about their latest album and the featured song Endhaltestelle. To close up the show, we will listen to what's new in hip hop and rap in Berlin and Halle and hear what rap artist Alice Dee has to say about their single Komm which comes with a fine music video.
- TTT-Turbo – Werewolf
- Rosa Extra – Einsam bist du sehr alleine
- Whip Legs – Fire on the mountain
- Frankie – Honki Spit
- Frankie – V-Bomb
- Parking Lot – Old Piece of Shit
- Wrackspurts – Endhaltestelle
- Snitsh Pitsh – Dry Heat
- Exwhite – Get Clean
- New_project_666 – gossip
- Alice Dee – Komm
Yung FSK18 – Bum (Push the button)
- Produced by Radio Corax, Halle (Salle).
- Prepared, produced, mixed and announced by Luise Grundman & Lena Ulrich.
- Design by Jure Anžiček.
IndieRE - Independent Radio Exchange
Was macht die lokale Musikszene Sevillas aus? Vor welchen besonderen Herausforderungen stehen Nachwuchskünstler:innen in Budapest angesichts der dortigen politischen Situation? Welche Verbindungen und Gemeinsamkeiten lassen sich zwischen der Independent Musikkultur in Graz, Halle und Dublin finden und was unterscheidet sie? Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie?
Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich Radio Študent aus Ljubljana, das Netzwerk verschiedener französischer Uniradios namens Radio Campus, Radio CORAX aus Halle (Saale), EMA-RTV aus Sevilla, Radio Helsinki aus Graz, Near FM aus Dublin, Radio Student aus Zagreb und Civil Radio aus Budapest beschäftigen. Gemeinsam arbeiten sie dafür im Rahmen des EU-Projekts "Independent Radio Exchange" für die nächsten zwei Jahre zusammen.