

« Nokogiribiki » Rifts #109

Freitag, 06. Okt 2023, 03:00 bis 05:00 Uhr
2023-10-06 03:00:00 2023-10-06 05:00:00 Pi Radio
Avantgardistische Elektronika und frickelige Klangexperimente.

NOKO 109 - Rifts

The experience of the transitional states to and from sleep: the hypnagogic and the hypnopompic states of consciousness.

Daniel Lopatin’s as Oneohtrix Point Never condensed oeuvre Rifts (5xlp-box on Software) and some other voyager in sleep onset random eye movement!

  1. Locust | I Hear A Quiet Voice | Emego162
  2. Geneva Jacuzzi | Future Past | Vi006
  3. Laurie Anderson | From The Air | Wbk57002
  4. Pwin Teaks And The Children Of New H | Paradise Walker | Pd-Lp-005
  5. Mark Van Hoen | Night Sky Alternatives | To:31
  6. Oneohtrix Point Never | Power Of Persuasion | Sft010
  7. Christian Fennesz | Hunting High And Low | Fract01
  8. Three Legged Race | Traces Of A Wet Crowd | Sp022
  9. Oneohtrix Point Never | Terminator Lake | Sft020, Sft031
  10. Ken Ishii | Naiad | Apollo8
  11. Shifted Phases | Lonely Journey Of The Comet Bopp | Tresor196
  12. Oneohtrix Point Never | Laser To Laser | Sft020, Nfp43
  13. Nattimari | Iiiy Iiieiiie | Self-Released
  14. Pye Corner Audio | Recrypt | Type107V
  15. Tod Dockstader | Soft Aurora | Sbh3073, Mm054
  16. Psyche | Neurotic Behaviour | Elec3Lp
  17. Versalife | Voronoi (Intro) | Fr025
  18. Oneohtrix Point Never | Returnal | Emego104
  19. Drvg Cvltvre | So Allein (Aber Nicht Wirklich) | Snug07
  20. Pink Floyd | On The Run | Harvest_066-05.249
  21. Tod Dockstader | Ion Armada | Mm055, Sbh3082
  22. Oneohtrix Point Never | Emil Cioran | Sft020, Arbor15
  23. Autechre | Windwind | Warplp17
  24. Wilhelm Seefeldt | Voytor (Part 5) | Roli023
  25. Pierre Bachelet & Hervé Roy | Emmanuelle Swims | Wb56084
  26. Oneohtrix Point Never | A Pact Between Strangers | Sft020, Sft031
  27. Seesaw | Memory | It002
  28. Ceephax | Camelot Science (Intro) | Weme025
  29. Three Legged Race | Locked Eyes | Sp022
  30. Japan | The Experience Of Swimming | Vep305
  31. Locust | Remember | Emego162
  32. Stefkovic Van Interesse | Homeland | Self-Released
  33. Pink Floyd | Time (Intro) | Harvest_066-05.249
  34. Kate Bush | Waking The Witch | Emi_062-2403841
  35. Astrobotnia | Applause | Cat123Lp
  36. Boards Of Canada | Transmission (Teaser Excerpt For The Forthcoming Album -Tomorrow´s Harvest- June 2013)


Weird broadcast radio since 2005.

Eine Sendeübernahme von Radio Blau aus Leipzig.

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