« Salon Bruit » Supersonic

Today all music featured comes from the Tape Archive: tapeattac.blogspot.com
Salon Bruit ist ein heimatloser Treffpunkt für Anhörer und Komponisten experimenteller Musik und Geräusche. Sometimes we have live blind dates on the show with musicians who don't know who they are going to play with beforehand. Sometimes we work with a theme. Salon Bruit have been a part of the fight for free radio in Berlin since it's inception in 2002 in parallel with radiokampagne.
https://www.facebook.com/supersonicradioshow/ https://www.facebook.com/colaboradio/
Archives https://www.mixcloud.com/SalonBruit/ https://archive.org/details/salonbruit https://www.mixcloud.com/stoerfan
Telegram channel: t.me/sbsupersonic