
2024-04-09 17:00:00 2024-04-09 18:00:00 CoLaboRadio

«gather collective» Sound_in(g)_Activism
Dienstag, 09. Apr 2024, 17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr

Contributions and reflections from the seminar of the same name held by gather collective at the UdK during the Winter Semester 23/24
gather collective


What is activism and what does it have to do with sound? How can we do activism with_in sound, or use sound with_in activism? How do we sonify public space_s? What role can sound and music in particular play in the transformation processes of our society?

In this seminar, we discussed different practices of sound activism and sound in activism, bringing in both theory and practice with the aim of collectively developing an artistic intervention in public space. We looked into historic and recent examples of sonic activist interactions, underpinned by the concepts of sonic agency, sonic fiction, and art for the not yet

gather (formerly FEM*_ MUSIC*_) is a participatory and non-hierarchical project which began in 2016 and which deals with the topic of Feminism in contemporary music production from various perspectives. / gather (ehem. FEM*_MUSIC*_) ist ein einzigartig partizipatives und möglichst hierarchiearmes Projekt, das seit 2016 existiert und sich mit dem Thema Feminismus im gesamten Feld der Produktion zeitgenössischer Musik unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten beschäftigt.

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