
« IndieRe2.0 » Independent Radio Exchange: Radio Študent, Ljubljana #117

Donnerstag, 26. Sep 2024, 11:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
2024-09-26 11:00:00 2024-09-26 12:00:00 Pi Radio
Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie? Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich verschiedene Freie Radios aus Europa in Ihrem Musikmagazin beschäftigen.

IndieRE #117 by Radio Študent, Ljubljana

Triinsedemdeseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.

This episode of IndieRE comes from Slovenia's Radio Študent. First up we have a new album by a rock band Kavasutra titled Ta veseli dan, released by Radio Študent's record label Zarš. We'll speak to the band about their new album. We'll also listen to the electro trap collective Smrt Boga in Otrok or SBO, their self-released album Nemoč, music from the album Flyšer released by rx:tx and КАФАНА and made by the producer from a new generation of beatmakers and rappers called YNGFirefly. Next up will be Zhlehtet with their recorded impro garden concert called Vrt and we'll also present a project by Irena Z. Tomažin, Jule Flierl, Nicola Ratti and Tomaž Grom called U.F.O, a celebration of the work by the Yugoslavian performance artist Katalin Ladik, released by Zavod Sploh. We'll end the broadcast with a new hardcore punk band Poguba and their self-titled and self-released debut EP and an interview with the noise rock band Moving as a Giant about their new self-titled album released by Kapa Records.

  1. Kavasutra – Cock Hero [6:37] (Ta veseli dan, Zarš, 2024)
  2. SBO – Babilon [3:24] (Nemoč, self-released/Družina SBO, 2024)
  3. SBO – Shinigami [3:44] (Nemoč, self-released/Družina SBO, 2024)
  4. YNGFirefly – Dva čika [1:53] (Flyšter, rx:tx/КАФАНА, 2024)
  5. YNGFirefly – That's crazy bro [2:32] (Flyšter, rx:tx/КАФАНА, 2024)
  6. YNGFirefly – Zlati lanci [2:09] (Flyšter, rx:tx/КАФАНА, 2024)
  7. Zhlehtet – Lights Off [6:59] (Vrt, self-released, 2024)
  8. Irena Z. Tomažin & Jule Flierl + Nicola Ratti and Tomaž Grom – Unlikely Fragmented Oracle [1:55] (U.F.O., Zavod Sploh, 2024)
  9. Irena Z. Tomažin & Jule Flierl + Nicola Ratti and Tomaž Grom – Uncanny Finger Oratio [1:40] (U.F.O., Zavod Sploh, 2024)
  10. Poguba – Nagrobnik [2:00] (Poguba, self-released, 2024)
  11. Poguba – Mrtvaški ples [1:20] (Poguba, self-released, 2024)
  12. Moving as a giant – Tit for Tat [3:16] (Moving as a Giant, Kapa Records, 2024)

    • Produced by Radio Študent, Slovenia.
    • Prepared, announced by Jan Kopač and Ula Kranjc Kušlan. Sound mixing by Oliver Wagner.
    • Design by Jure Anžiček.

IndieRE - Independent Radio Exchange

Was macht die lokale Musikszene Sevillas aus? Vor welchen besonderen Herausforderungen stehen Nachwuchskünstler:innen in Budapest angesichts der dortigen politischen Situation? Welche Verbindungen und Gemeinsamkeiten lassen sich zwischen der Independent Musikkultur in Graz, Halle und Dublin finden und was unterscheidet sie? Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie?

Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich Radio Študent aus Ljubljana, das Netzwerk verschiedener französischer Uniradios namens Radio Campus, Radio CORAX aus Halle (Saale), EMA-RTV aus Sevilla, Radio Helsinki aus Graz, Near FM aus Dublin, Radio Student aus Zagreb und Civil Radio aus Budapest beschäftigen. Gemeinsam arbeiten sie dafür im Rahmen des EU-Projekts "Independent Radio Exchange" für die nächsten zwei Jahre zusammen.