
« Nomadic Art » NomadicRadio: SESSION #32

Dienstag, 11. Jun 2024, 20:30 bis 21:00 Uhr
2024-06-11 20:30:00 2024-06-11 21:00:00 CoLaboRadio
nomadic Radio is part of the art platform nomadicArt. nomadic Radio is a sound-recording platform, interested in audios, interviews and experimental sounds.
Nomadic Art

As part of her Ph.D. research in anthropology, the artist Melanie Garland recorded various sounds from the surroundings of her fieldwork sites in Calais-France, Rome-Italy and Antofagasta, Chile. This led her to delve into the method of sound ethnography, particularly focusing on non-human sonics in different urban spaces. In NomadicRadio Session 32, Melanie will present a sound piece composed of oceanic sounds recorded between 2021 and 2022 from the Mediterranean sea (Italy), North sea (France), and Pacific ocean (Chile). This 30-minute piece, blending ambient and underwater sounds, will be featured in her upcoming exhibition and final Ph.D. disputation at the end of October at the main building of Humboldt University in the heart of Berlin.

More information on the project website: