
« Modern Mystic Radio » Dreaming in Artemisia

Dienstag, 25. Jun 2024, 21:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
2024-06-25 21:00:00 2024-06-25 22:00:00 CoLaboRadio
Modern Mystic Radio

The theme of our second show is “allow yourself to dream” where we explore all different forms of dreaming, including dreaming as a tool and navigating when dreams don’t become reality.  We will be delving into the world of the Artemisia plamt family. Exploring the mythology around it, how it’s used in herbalism, the mystical and the magical. As well as some political herbalism around this plant. We will be chatting to a special guest Sam C. Arens who specialises in the Artemisia family.

A herbalist journey dwelling on the deep and expanding the narrow. Starring Tash English and Philipp Phildius. The two naturopaths and herbalists invite you on a journey of medical self empowerment, modernization of european traditional medicine whilst preservinb the mystic ways. A guided tour through the garden of creation. Reserve your ticket now.