
« gather collective » gather radio hour: Protest Songs

Dienstag, 10. Sep 2024, 17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
2024-09-10 17:00:00 2024-09-10 18:00:00 CoLaboRadio
gather collective

This show came out of a focus on protest songs and sounds during the seminar Sound_in(g)_Activism held by gather collective at the UdK in the Winter Semester 23/24.

Featuring protest songs from different protest cultures, with a particular focus on Poland and Thailand, the show explores the purpose, diversity and connections between protest music. In the show, Thai artist Pisitakun Kuantalaeng shares his thoughts from his years of activist engagement in the Thai pro-democracy protests and talks about his current project, The Three Sound of Revolution.

gather (formerly FEM*_ MUSIC*_) is a participatory and non-hierarchical project which began in 2016 and which deals with the topic of Feminism in contemporary music production from various perspectives. / gather (ehem. FEM*_MUSIC*_) ist ein einzigartig partizipatives und möglichst hierarchiearmes Projekt, das seit 2016 existiert und sich mit dem Thema Feminismus im gesamten Feld der Produktion zeitgenössischer Musik unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten beschäftigt.