
« gather collective » gather radio hour: Trayectorias del agua

Dienstag, 19. Nov 2024, 15:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
2024-11-19 15:00:00 2024-11-19 16:00:00 CoLaboRadio
gather collective

We share the creative work we have been doing around the reflection on water and its paths, as well as its essence not only vital to sustain life, but also its sound potential – creative through technological resources ranging from field recordings, to modifications with new languages and technological resources such as audio training with the RAVE algorithm of the IRCAM using the NOTEBOOK of Moisés Horta Valenzuela aka Hexorcismos. Content for the radio show on Gather Radio Hour: I. Presentation and Audition of Underwater Robot: Bertha Elena Artero Ponce (2023) II. Presentation and Audition of The Powers of Water: Lluvia Bustos Soria III. Presentation and Audition of Tunnels: Bertha Elena Artero Ponce (2024) IV. Presentation and Audition of Paisaje del Agua: Bertha Elena Artero Ponce and Lluvia Bustos Soria (2024) REFERENCES: video of the Hampaturi waterfalls by Lluvia Bustos Soria, edited by Bertha Elena Artero Poncegather.

/ gather (formerly FEM*_ MUSIC*_) is a participatory and non-hierarchical project which began in 2016 and which deals with the topic of Feminism in contemporary music production from various perspectives. / gather (ehem. FEM*_MUSIC*_) ist ein einzigartig partizipatives und möglichst hierarchiearmes Projekt, das seit 2016 existiert und sich mit dem Thema Feminismus im gesamten Feld der Produktion zeitgenössischer Musik unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten beschäftigt.