
10 Treffer
Di, 01. Sep 2015 - 88,4 MHz
19:00 Radio F'Hain - Berliner Runde
Radio F'Hain goes Berliner Runde: Berichte und Hintergründe nicht nur aus F'Hain. Gäste & Beiträge zu aktuellen Themen. Am Headset begrüßt Euch der Hans ...
Studio Ansage
20:00 StudioAnsage S P E Z I A L
StudioAnsage war wieder on Tour - Suppe&Mucke trifft Weltfest
Studio Ansage
22:00 So spielt das Leben - REFUGEES when come
Die Radioshow rund um ein Thema in Lieder aufgegriffen. Ihre Gastgeberin ist lindA. Flüchtlinge sind das große Thema des Sommers. Mein Gast redet nicht nur, sondern packt seit Wochen freiwillig im Lageso Berlin mit an und wird heute berichten, wie das Leben dort so spielt.
Studio Ansage
23:00 RADIOaktiv Monatsrückblick
RADIOaktiv Monatsrückblick Über was RADIOaktiv im letzten Monat berichtet hat …
Studio Ansage
Mi, 02. Sep 2015 - 88,4 MHz
00:00 FP - #3
female pressure is an international network of female artists in the fields of electronic music and digital arts: from musicians, composers and DJs to visual artists, cultural workers and researchers. A worldwide resource of female talent that can be searched after criteria like location, profession, style or name. "Why are there so few women active in the electronic music scene?" - each one of us has heard this question a thousand times... Here is the answer: It's not our number, it's about how and if we are recognized!
Studio Ansage
01:00 radioCona - Temporary Project Radio For Contemporary Arts: (rptd.) #41
CONA’s program is financially supported by the Municipality of Ljubljana. The ZVO.ČI.TI DUO series is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
05:00 - 06:00 radio aporee -
radio aporee ::: maps has started 2006, based on former artistic research on mapping, spatial conditions and the navigation between the real and the virtual.