

« The Brain » Die Mini-Dadashow #109

Freitag, 21. Jun 2013, 02:00 bis 03:00 Uhr
2013-06-21 02:00:00 2013-06-21 03:00:00 Pi Radio
Providing freaky music since 1999. For those who wonder: What is The Brain? Listen this!
The Brain
Bild: The Brain
  1. Introduction
  2. Cassetteboy - Anne Frankinghachine - Barry's Bootlegs - 2003
  3. The Brain - Générique 2010 - Unreleased - 2010
  4. Ennio Morricone - a Fistfull of Dollars - rca International - 1971
  5. Driver & Driver - Back to l.a - Staatsakt - 2011
  6. Gulshabu - sio Dashimaki - Kumaru Records - 2010
  7. Burt Bacharach - After the fox - United Artists Records - 1966
  8. Mosh Mosh - das Polyphone Rauschen - Wired Records - 2009
  9. Wipers - over the Edge - Enigma Records - 1986
  10. Kimikata Matsumae - the Royal Academy of Katamari (Kimitaka Matsumae Remix) - Columbia Music Entertainment - 2009
  11. Freddyfrogs - Ring Master - Frogs - 2010
  12. Kumisolo & Odot - Taidama - Tsunami-addiction - 2009
  13. The Black Lips - Modern art - Vice Records - 2011
  14. Hariharan, Udit Naryan, Hema Sardesai, Shankar Mahadevan & Saif ali Khan - Abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz i Love You - ??? - 1999
  15. Nino Rota - l'Uccello Magico a Dresda - Cam - 1976
  16. Cibbo Mato - Black Hole sun - el Diablo - 1995
  17. Procyon Lotor - Engage - Autoproduced Online - 2011
  18. Michel Bananes jr - Fucking a Smurf - Autoproduced on Bandcamp - 2010
  19. Wali Band - Baik Baik Sayang (Disco mix) (the Brain Cut) - ??? - 2009
  20. Little Peggy - i Will Follow him (in Japanese) - ??? - 1963
  21. Allegra - Chunky Monkey - Tricatel - 2007
  22. Disasteradio - you win - Autoproduced - 2011
  23. Drinking Electricity - Discord Dance - Survival Records - 1982
  24. Philippe Arthuys - Boite à Musique - ??? - 1955
  25. Frederik Schikowski - Indicatif the Brain 1.3 - Unreleased - 2004

Über The Brain

The Brain ist eine DJ-Show gemischt aus Electro Broadcasts, Dissonanz-Pop, Rock'n'Roll, epileptischen Gesängen und vorindustriellen Robotik, Raumfahrt-Pop, vorsintflutlichen Vintage-Raritäten in Form von kinematischen Mini-Dada.

Jede Sendung bietet einen epischen, akustischen, frischen Sound mit dem kindliche Euphorie in vollem Umfang nachgekommen wird.

Let's Spock!

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