« APO33 » Ultimate Radio Waves

Every month a musician, composer or sound artist will propose one hour of sound for the Berlin Radio 88vier to be released online after a live radio transmission.
Curated by Julien Ottavi.
sanitary tones: ayre #1[Airblade]
duration - 60mins
The first étude in a suite of hand dryer sound energy studies, in this case inspecting the Dyson Airblade™.
An airblade with circa 2 years of use was recorded in BRE’s large anechoic chamber, over a reflecting plane, with a measurement microphone. Ex-situ recording allows us to capture the inherent sound energy of the device independent of an acoustic environment, such as the highly reflective public washroom.
The work unfolds shards of frequency band extracted from the densely compacted, turbulent white noise generated from the 10 second cycle of interfering parallel air sheets traveling at 400 mph. Punctuating the study are dramatic fluctuation in the spectrum due to the interjection of the hands shortening the journey of the air sheets, reflecting the air back at the casing, causing further mutual interference.
The sanitary tones suite forms a creative response to a larger project investigating the noise effects of high-speed hand dryers on users with sensitive hearing and special auditory needs.
John Levack Drever Operating at the intersection of sound arts, design, auditory culture, environmental acoustics and noise control, Drever’s theoretical and practice-based research demonstrates an ongoing inquiry into the affect, perception and practice of everyday environmental sound and human utterance. Projects are often derived from extensive fieldwork in particular soundwalking and field recording, the most recent of which explores the crowded soundscape of Hong Kong, Ochlophonics Hong Kong (2001-2010).
Drever is head of the Unit for Sound Practice Research, and a Senior Lecture in Composition at Goldsmiths, University of London. He has been on the board of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology since 1997.