
2019-10-29 15:00:00 2019-10-30 03:00:00 CoLaboRadio

«Archipel Stations»
Dienstag, 29. Okt 2019, 15:00 bis 03:00 Uhr

in the spirit of the archipelagic thought, blending a variety of content, formats and languages produced all over the world.
Archipel Stations

On October 29th/30st we broadcast on Colaboradio (88,4 FM Berlin, 90,7 FM Potsdam) between 15:00 and 06:00 (CET). We will be broadcasting live between 16:00 and 22:00 from DAS KAPITAL, Künstlerkneipe Imbiss Salon Public Space Epicenter Bar Workshop Meetingpoint Yours, on Karl-Marx Platz 18, 12043 Berlin.

The program remains in the spirit of the archipelagic thought, blending a variety of content, formats and languages produced all over the world. The program includes ideas and sounds of all places and traditions, music, storytelling (fictional and non-fictional), art pieces, readings, podcasts of sociopolitical, ecological, comic, therapeutic, scientific, artistic and experimental content, and much more, including some live acts.

Shows Autopoesis Comme à la Radio Location Essence Essentials Mexilhoeira Soil Nomad’s Wanderlust (live) Public Soil Memory for the Plantationocene Radio Concrete Shit Platypus Says Sound for public toilets Storytime (live) Sundown/Ocaso Xabu

Description of shows: Autopoesis. FR, 41 Min « Elle est comment votre douleur là ? Sur une échelle de 1 à 10, elle est à combien ? ». Derrière le rideau blanc d’une salle d’opération, se dresse un décor abstrait, celui d’un voyage qui prendrait sa source au coeur même d’une blessure. C’est ainsi que dans un état semi conscient, je reçois la visite du centaure Chiron. II m’indique un passage, un tout petit espace, une synapse, d’où provient un chant bien étrange… Partant d’un événement vécu et des rencontres du réel, Autopoïèse propose des chutes et des variations, une descente vers la fiction, la poésie et la mythologie.

"How is your pain right now? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much is it? " Behind the white curtain of an operating room, stands an abstract decor, the journey would take its source in the very heart of a wound. Thus, in a semi-conscious state, I receive the visit of the centaur Chiron. It tells me a passage, a tiny space, a synapse, from which comes a very strange song … Starting from a lived experience and meeting the real, Autopoiesis is proposing falls and variations, a descent towards fiction, poetry and mythology. From the surgery room, the microphone rubs the scalpel, the anesthesia's countdown is launched, the story runs backwards. A fracture allows a new consciousness to enter a world of mists, the world of Chiron. credits: Réalisation : Anne Lepère Mixage et mise en onde : Jeanne Debarsy Regards Dramaturgiques : Sebastian Dicenaire & Marion Sage Visuel : Aurélie Commerce Avec les voix de Louise Chardon, praticienne en BodyMindCentering (BMC), Lisa Mellouki, astrologue karmique, Vincent Degrande et Michael Scoriels dans l'atelier de Lutherie Degrande à Namur. Avec le soutien de l'acsr et du FACR de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Comme à la Radio # 4 . EN/FR, 300 Min Comme à la radio, rien que de la musique, rien que des mots, juste un peu de bruit pour combler le silence, n'aillez pas peur ce sera tout à fait comme à la radio. Like on the radio, nothing but music, just words, just a little noise to fill the silence, do not be afraid it will be just like on the radio. The show presents music pieces that exceed the usual radio format (c. 3 minutes) with an accent on long duration pieces. This episode plays The Well-Tuned Piano from LaMonte Young credits: Niko de Paula Lefort & various artists

Location Essence Essentials # 3 & # 4 . EN, 25 Min. English Radio drama blending ideas from sound art, pop, field recording, and industrial noise to create a theme. credits: Cody Putman

Nomad‘s Wanderlust # 3 . EN/DE, 60 Min. Hommage to all styles of music. Not just world dance music, but also modern soul, reggae, disco, jazz and funk, as well as psychedelia. Core tempo from 80 bpm to 120 bpm. credits: DJ Nomad & various artists

Mexilhoeira Soil. EN, 7 Min. Noise poem exploring the notion of 'sub-real'. credits: (Panelak) Pascal Ansell

Public Soil Memory for the Plantationocene. EN, 20 Min. Podcast on the sound installation work about how the soil remembers plantation slavery. This is the third piece in a series on the Plantationocene—an alternate name for the epoch often called the Anthropocene. The Plantationocene Series aims to create a conversation about multiple forms of plantations, both past and present, as well as the ways that plantation logics organize modern economies, environments, and social relations. In the 1700’s and early 1800’s, tobacco was the primary cash crop in Sandy Spring. Profits from cultivating this labor-intensive crop were driven by slave labor. As plantation owners tried to extract the most profit from the land and most labor from the people they owned, the soil became so depleted of nutrients that it would no longer produce, it “rebelled.” The agricultural practice of tobacco monoculture, made profitable in the short-term by slave labor, was the source of severe loss of topsoil, not only in Sandy Spring but also in much of the tobacco-growing U.S. Digging up property records for this site in the Sandy Spring Museum archive unearthed that, before being owned by the Bentley family, Richard Thomas Sr. owned this land; a prominent Quaker planter who in 1800, 6 years before his death, owned 58 slaves. The legacies of soil degradation and slavery haunt the Sandy Spring landscape. Broom sedge, a plant that indicates poor soil, populates the field directly across from the museum. Bloomfield, a house that Richard Thomas Sr. built for an overseer, still stands along Bentley Rd. credits: Raina Märtens

Radio Concrete # 18. EN/HE (and others), 30 Min. Radio Concrete is an ongoing experimental sound project which combines field recordings together with radio broadcasting. It is an exaggerated interpretation of sounds that we are exposed to every day in the public and domestic spheres, often in passing or involuntarily. Fresh raw materials including field recordings of our everyday routine, samples and loops from tv & radio, news editions and advertisements are all gathered on a regular basis and then mixed together with live radio broadcasting. The radio show attempts to capture the busy modern lifestyle together with the daily news & events, tragedies and political discourse next to advertisements and entertainment. credits: Hagai Izenberg

Shit Platypus Says # 19. EN, 60 Min. On Tarantino, the UAW Corruption Scandal, and Stalinism in Power Shit Platypus Says (SPS) is a podcast dedicated to reflecting on the current state of politics and culture in the post-Trump era. SPS takes its name from Platypus: a political organisation dedicated to education on the history of the Left and ultimately to the reconstitution of the Left internationally. We take our name from the strange egg-laying duck-billed mammal that seems to make no sense to natural history, whose characteristics make it hard to categorise. Like the Australian animal, Platypus brings disparate perspectives that usually would seem to not belong together. Platypus’s education provides a way of understanding the world – history, politics and culture – a way of providing a plausible explanation for what exists from a Left-centric point of view. In order to make sense of the present, amidst the crisis of Neoliberalism, we find it necessary to acknowledge the historical failure of Marxism and decline of the Left in the 20th century, to investigate the various positions on the Left, and to evaluate their saliency for an emancipatory politics of the present. credits: Sophia Freeman & Pam C. Nogales C.

Sound for public toilet. 6 Min. Sound piece built in Iceland. The sound was installed in the toilets during an exhibition in Seydisfjördur, East Iceland. It points on the melting of the glaciers, the ice, the circuit of water and how less some people care about water, where it comes from and where it goes to. It is an every day source we maybe take to self-evident. Of course, it is also a piece that makes you hopefully laugh while sitting on the pot. credits: Alessa Brossmer

Storytime. 15 Min. Reading of The Ghost of Karl-Marx. Credits: Ronan de Calan (Author), Donatien Mary (Illustrator), Anna Street (Translator)

Sundown / Ocaso. 18 Min. To soothe the mind, relax the cells, stop for a moment the overdose of information; to allow ourselves to receive comfort for the great changes past and yet to come, to grieve the loss of nature. Recreating the bedtime routine of a child, between lullabies and stories about life on the planet, Sundown is a space for reflection and rest for living beings of all ages. credits: Ela Spalding

Xabu # 2. 45 Min mixtape with some yet to be discovered new names of Brazilian music/ songwriting. curated and edited by Lea Taragona and Victor Negri. tracklist: 01 (00:00) Radio Diaspora - Nego Solano 02 (07:40) Abençoada - Institutional Emptiness (feat. Rene McBrearty) 03 (11:48) Saskia - Não fui eu 04 (14:53) Flores Feias - Fetiche 05 (19:40) Presságio - Acalanto 06 (23:23) Marcela Lucatelli - Circles 07 (30:00) D Mingus - De Corpo Presente 08 (32:47) Fernando Carvalho - WXNDY 09 (34:48) ni_ni - Eu vejo vermelho 10 (40:36) Cama Rosa - Contrário do Medo

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