

« Brainwashed » Radio Edition #456

Freitag, 10. Jul 2020, 05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
2020-07-10 05:00:00 2020-07-10 06:00:00 Pi Radio
Die Brainwashed - Radio Edition ist eine einstündige Show mit Musik von den Künstlern und Labels auf
  1. Psychic TV, "Terminus" (Force the Hand of Chance) 1982 Some Bizzare
  2. Nurse With Wound, "Of" (Trippin' Musik) 2020 United Dirter
  3. Masaki Batoh, "In The Hour of Serpent" (Smile Jesus Loves You) 2020 Drag City
  4. The Soft Pink Truth, "We" (Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase?) 2020 Thrill Jockey
  5. Sun City Girls, "Brother Number One" (Live at the Sky Church - September 3rd, 2004) 2020 2182 Recordings
  6. Spirit Fest, "Zenbu Honto (Every Thing Is Everything)" (Mirage Mirage) 2020 Morr Music
  7. Cremation Lily, "The Currents Mislead (Hand In Hand)" (The Processes And Instruments Of Normal People) 2017 Strange Rules / 2020 Alter
  8. Slow Dancing Society, "What We Knew As Children" (The Disappearing Collective Vol. I) 2020 Past Inside the Present
  9. Current 93, "Immortal Bird" (Sleep Has His House) 2000 Durtro / 2020 House of Mythology
  10. Aria Rostami and Daniel Blomquist, "The Sleeping Floor" (Sketch for Winter VIII: Floating Tone) 2020 Geographic North
  • Sendung vom 15. März 2020

Brainwashed - Radio Edition

Email podcast at brainwashed dot com to say who you are; what you like; what you want to hear; share pictures for the podcast of where you're from, your computer or MP3 player with or without the Brainwashed Podcast Playing; and win free music! We have no tracking information, no idea who's listening to these things so the more feedback that comes in, the more frequent podcasts will come. You will not be put on any spam list and your information will remain completely private and not farmed out to a third party. Thanks for your attention and thanks for listening.

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