
2020-06-16 16:00:00 2020-06-16 17:00:00 CoLaboRadio

«ABA» Air SALON: Chalkboard Testimonies (a-b-c walk)
Dienstag, 16. Jun 2020, 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

In his show, Igor Sevcuk will take you for an essay-walk to five ABA locations in Berlin.

At first, the artist considers his sleeping disorder experienced while work-living in an artist residency. The montage that follows brings together recollections of school times by various authors in relation to holocaust commemoration in the city of Amsterdam. The segments of archival materials and texts are reviewed together with the two ABA guest artists at their Berlin apartments: Magali Dougoud and Joris Perdieus. Two ABA hosts have joined at Haus der Statistik and their home: Aleksander Komarov and Susanne Kriemann. Additional voice is by Abla elBahrawy, architect and visual artist in Amsterdam.

Igor Sevcuk, born 1972 in Banja Luka, works/lives in Amsterdam and Utrecht. After receiving an MA in 2000 at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, he was awarded the first prize for film and video, de Prix de Rome 2002. His work involves settings in which everyday life encounters the politics of memory. Various recordings: found footage, literary notes, diaries, photographs and other documents interact (or haunt each other) through subsequent essayistic montage. The ambition here is to revive a form of shared mind, visual and textual entanglement, that flows through one’s self, the other and time. In 2010 he initiated the artist-led space Goleb and from 2015 he was co-organizer of Klupko – Room(s) & Daily Art Situations, both in Amsterdam. More at:

ABA Air SALON is a radio format produced by Air Berlin Alexanderplatz, a Berlin based artist initiative dealing with the distribution and documentation of forms of collective and experimental knowledge production. The broadcasts come from different locations in Berlin where we organize salons. At these salons we meet with local actors, artists, scientists and other cultural producers to exchange around research based artistic projects and practices. You can find more information about our program at

ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz) e.V., is a research-oriented artists' initiative founded in Berlin in 2009 by the artists Susanne Kriemann & Aleksander Komarov. The programme focuses on ephemeral artistic research and collective and experimental knowledge production. ABA’s operations consist of the conception, curation and implementation of various presentational formats: The organization of salons in different locations acros the city, the release of publications, the stewardship of a residency-program and the maintenance of a website as a central place for documentation and achivation of these forms of ephmeral knowledge production.

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