

Dienstag, 15. Jun 2021, 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
2021-06-15 16:00:00 2021-06-15 17:00:00 CoLaboRadio
a Listening Session by Caroline Ann Baur, Vanessà Heer and EN- LIL. Recording of the live broadcast from the temporary studio at the Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen.

The audience enters an arrangement of yellow wooden boards, an 8-channel audio installation that is also physically perceptible through the vibrations of the boards. The entire installation becomes a body of sound for the soundscapes produced in the studio behind the wall: Another space that is only visible and audible from the outside, i.e. in the inner courtyard of Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen.

By entering the wooden boards one decides to get involved, it takes a certain effort and a decision to actively listen. The subtle soundscapes that can be heard were developed in improvisations with invited guests and the two artists Vanessà Heer and Caroline Ann Baur based on a score. The scores were developed together with the invited guests.

The workshop is about creating a specific social structure where the relations between the bodies in the space are negotiated and interpreted together. The sound itself becomes a tool, perhaps developing a story that is being written together. Scores are also exciting because they are equally accessible and realizable for musicians and non-musicians. In the installation, the audience can also play or meditate along.

By stepping onto the wooden boards, the audience also becomes present to the artists in the studio, where they can be heard moving and communicating with them through the sounds and vibrations. The installation becomes a medium that mutually transmits physical presence.

In this way, they seek to produce economies of the visible and audible, playing with the absence and presence of bodies and their sonic emissions. The noise-like rhythms leave much room for associations and subjective narratives. They thus practice what Pauline Oliveros calls "global" listening, where one tries to attentively grasp as many sound sources as possible at the same time. This can also be transferred to other areas of life, namely the repeated attempt to listen to complexity.

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ABA Air SALON is a radio format produced by Air Berlin Alexanderplatz, a Berlin based artist initiative dealing with the distribution and documentation of forms of collective and experimental knowledge production. The broadcasts come from different locations in Berlin where we organize salons. At these salons we meet with local actors, artists, scientists and other cultural producers to exchange around research based artistic projects and practices. You can find more information about our program at

ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz) e.V., is a research-oriented artists' initiative founded in Berlin in 2009 by the artists Susanne Kriemann & Aleksander Komarov. The programme focuses on ephemeral artistic research and collective and experimental knowledge production. ABA’s operations consist of the conception, curation and implementation of various presentational formats: The organization of salons in different locations acros the city, the release of publications, the stewardship of a residency-program and the maintenance of a website as a central place for documentation and achivation of these forms of ephmeral knowledge production.