« Nokogiribiki » Magnify #137
Freitag, 06. Aug 2021,
03:00 bis 05:00 Uhr
Avantgardistische Elektronika und frickelige Klangexperimente.

NOKO 137 - Magnify
Unexpect the expected. interpersonal interactions on the level of the mind.
Please use headphones or hi-fi speakers for a better, more enhanced listening experience.
Magnificent collection with thanks to Ling-Yu for the selfmade fictile hand and to Yun-Yi, Manja, Jan for the paraphernalias
Intro. Moral - airscape [Arp Grammofon, 1984]
- Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub - tickets & tones (Acid Jesus rmx) [Motor Music, 1995]
- Trans Am - surrender the night [Thrill Jockey, 1997]
- M.E.S.H. - the black pill [Pan, 2015]
- The Hafler Trio - a thirsty fish / the dirty fire [Touch, 1987]
- Secret Boyfriend - form me [Blackest Ever Black, 2013]
- Ocoeur - im2a (Mark Van Hoen remix) [Touched - Music For Macmillan Cancer Support, 2015]
- Stephen O´Malley - eternal idol [Shelter Press, 2015]
- Pierre Bastien - among the skulls [Emphase Records, 2010]
- Félicia Atkinson - gothic analytics [Shelter Press, 2015]
- キム ゴ一ドン = Kim Gordon / DJ オリ一ブ = DJ Olive / イクエ モリ = Ikue Mori - 元に戻して = take me back (ft. Yuka Honda) [Sonic Youth Records, 2000]
- Merzbow - ushiwaka 2 [Important Records, 2009]
- Autechre - osla for n [Warp Records, 2013]
- Michèle Bokanowski – trois chambres d´inquiétude 1 (1975-1976) [trAce Label, 2009]
- H.N.A.S. (Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa) - lottoglück unt [Dom, 1986]
- AFX - midi pipe1c sds3time cube/klonedrm [Warp Records, 2015]
- Andrew Liles - the ether reel (binaural mix) [orig. Nextera, 2004; remastered 2011]
- Duet Emmo - a.n.c. [Mute, 1983]
- Plvs Vltra - night walk [Field Hymns, 2013]
- Strafe Für Rebellion ft. Moira Kirstin Boyd - luna [Touch, 1986]
- Robert Ashley w/ Cynthia Liddell - purposeful lady slow afternoon [Mainstream Records, 1972]
- Toru Takemitsu - vocalism ai (love) [RCA Victrola, 1969]
- Fingernail - listen to a song by fingernail (remixed by Global Goon) [Fuzzy Box, 1999]
- Greg Fox - Its ok [Data Garden, 2014]
- Moondog - tree frog [orig. Epic, 1953; repress Honest Jon’s, 2005]
- Vai - dust [Holger, 2015]
- Laraaji - presents: the peace garden (excerpt) [live Boiler Room, 2015]
Weird broadcast radio since 2005.
Eine Sendeübernahme von Radio Blau aus Leipzig.