fugitive radio
fugitive frequency: Postcards from Helsinki #5
Dienstag, 03. Mai 2022,
17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
2022-05-03 17:00:002022-05-03 18:00:00CoLaboRadio
A montage of field recordings, performances and other audio documents collected since August 2020, when fugitive radio began.Recordings include ‘Vallilan vapputanssit’ Finnish Tango dance in the Vallila neighbourhood for the ‘vappu’ May Day celebrations; Thomas Moose speaking at Pride Is A Protest in 2021; Pekka Pylkkänena from the musicians union, MC Ghepettpet and more.
fugitive radio an urban artistic-research project initiated by Sumugan Sivanesan about radio as a social practice. It is concerned with indigenous and migrant voices, narratives, experiences and music. It holds space for anticolonial critique.
fugitive radio is being developed in collaboration with Pixelache Helsinki and is supported by the Kone Foundation.