« Special Event » If the archive holds a seed

The term broadcasting was initially used in agriculture to describe the method of scattering seeds widely by hand (Douglas 1987), which reveals an inherent link between seeds and radio waves as processes of dispersal. But how does the idea of dispersal work within archives and museums? What happens when ‘processual objects’—like seeds and sounds—are held by institutions? Could radio be a way for them to disperse beyond the boundaries of these walls? Join Kate Donovan and Markus Stein at the Berlin Phonogram Archive at the Ethnological Museum as they try to find out.
This artistic research stems from the project “Sound Seeds: Border-crossings and the dispersal of radio-waves, seeds and sound archives” by Kate Donovan at the 4A_Lab, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz/ Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. https://www.khi.fi.it/en/forschung/4a-laboratory/index.php With thanks to Maurice Mengel and all at the Berlin Phonogram Archive as well as the 4A_Lab for support.
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A cooperation between CoLaboRadio / FR-BB / Cashmere Radio