« Rare Frequency » Rather Lovely #32
Freitag, 20. Mai 2011,
03:00 bis 04:00 Uhr
Rare Frequenz ist eine Radiosendung, Podcast und Website über experimentellen, elektronischen, Improvisation, Lärm, Avant-Pop und andere ungewöhnliche Musik.

Rather Lovely #32
- (opening music: The Advisory Circle, “Spider’s Web,” Ghost Box 3-track E.P. (July) (Ghost Box) mp3)
- Ø, "U-Bahn" Oleva (Sahko) CD 2008
- Klimek, "For Eugene Chadbourne and Henry Kaiser" Dedications (Anticipate) CD 2007
- The Fun Years, "Auto Show Day of the Dead" Baby, It’s Cold Inside (Barge) CD 2008
- Stephan Mathieu, "Michael" Radioland (Die Schachtel) CD 2008
- Felix Kubin, "Rudi Gullit’s Head" Axolotl Lullaby (Oral) CD 2008
- Emeralds, "The Quaking Mess" Solar Bridge (Hanson) CD 2008
- Oneohtrix Point Never, "Turbo Dawn Habibi" Transmat Memories (Dreamtime Tape Productions) CD 2008
- Pole, "Streit" Pole 2 (Kiff) CD 2008