

« Rare Frequency » Rather Lovely #32

Freitag, 20. Mai 2011, 03:00 bis 04:00 Uhr
2011-05-20 03:00:00 2011-05-20 04:00:00 Pi Radio (Pi Radio)
Rare Frequenz ist eine Radiosendung, Podcast und Website über experimentellen, elektronischen, Improvisation, Lärm, Avant-Pop und andere ungewöhnliche Musik.
Rare Frequency


Rather Lovely #32

  1. (opening music: The Advisory Circle, “Spider’s Web,” Ghost Box 3-track E.P. (July) (Ghost Box) mp3)
  2. Ø, "U-Bahn" Oleva (Sahko) CD 2008
  3. Klimek, "For Eugene Chadbourne and Henry Kaiser" Dedications (Anticipate) CD 2007
  4. The Fun Years, "Auto Show Day of the Dead" Baby, It’s Cold Inside (Barge) CD 2008
  5. Stephan Mathieu, "Michael" Radioland (Die Schachtel) CD 2008
  6. Felix Kubin, "Rudi Gullit’s Head" Axolotl Lullaby (Oral) CD 2008
  7. Emeralds, "The Quaking Mess" Solar Bridge (Hanson) CD 2008
  8. Oneohtrix Point Never, "Turbo Dawn Habibi" Transmat Memories (Dreamtime Tape Productions) CD 2008
  9. Pole, "Streit" Pole 2 (Kiff) CD 2008
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