

« Garagepunx » Hideout: Way Past Cool #28

Donnerstag, 09. Mai 2013, 05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
2013-05-09 05:00:00 2013-05-09 06:00:00 Pi Radio
Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.

Hideout: Way Past Cool #28

  1. I'm Gonna Kill You Tonight - Lightning Beatman & The Never Heard Of 'Ems
  2. I Can Only Give You Everything - Them
  3. Huesos - The Hollywood Sinners
  4. Green Bottle - The Pignose Willys
  5. Nervous - The Fabulous Playboys
  6. No Puedo Parar - Los Aspiradoras
  7. Dyno-Mite - Ape City R & B
  8. Motorcross Pt. 2 - Logic City
  9. In A Dirty Cellar - Pirate Love
  10. It's Nothing To Me - Harry Johnson
  11. High School Girls - Bantam Rooster
  12. Mascara Mama - The Tweeters
  13. Shirts Off - Armitage Shanks & Billy Childish
  14. Electro II [The Revenge] - The Meteors
  15. Bad & Evil - The Masonics
  16. Last Plane Out Of Mexico - The Charles Napiers
  17. The Persuaders Theme - The Charles Napiers
  18. Shots! - Los Raw Meat
  19. Carlos - El Ray
  20. Hey Joe - Number Nine
  21. Usukudara - Takeshi Tarauchi & The Bunnys
  22. Money - John Lee Hooker
  23. Viva! Del Santo - Southern Culture On The Skids
  24. Little Red Book - Benny Joy
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