« Garagepunx » Hideout: GaragePunk Surfcast #26
Freitag, 23. Aug 2013,
05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.

Hideout: GaragePunk Surfcast #26
Hey Paddlepusses… it's episode #26 of the GaragePunk Surfcast with your host, Dan Electreau! Drop in on the party wave and catch some sweet sounds from The Monsters from the Surf, Mobsmen, Thee Cormans and the Revelairs.
Thanks for lending an ear…
Here's what you heard:
- Anacondas - Clip the wrong wire
- Majestics - Big noise from Makaha
- Bambi Molesters - Malaguena
- Les Cavaliers - Le ride du judgement dernier
- Long Boards - Big Surf
- Cold Shot Surf - Zombie
- Monsters From The Surf - Monster from the surf
- Monsters From The Surf - Hangman
- Mobsmen - Chunkje
- Shindiggers - Pressure
- Varatones - Repeto
- Radioactive Gamma Rays - Get bent
- Moving Sidewalks - Skaterdater rock
- Revelairs - Ridin' high
- Wet Tones - 7th wave
- OK Kings - Quasimoto
- Reverb Syndicate - Lunar Attack!
- Thom Starr & the Galaxies - Heatwave
- Hot Rod Rog - Little street machine
- Honkeys - No brakes
- Sohail Rana - The Khyber twist
- Thee Cormans - Open the gates