

« Garagepunx » Hideout: X’ploitation X’plosion X’perience #4

Donnerstag, 19. Sep 2013, 05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
2013-09-19 05:00:00 2013-09-19 06:00:00 Pi Radio
Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.

Bibliodiscoteque Presents: X’ploitation X’plosion X’travaganza #3 – Bourbon Legends & Your Best Violence

Bourbon Legends (1968)

Ditch Hooker’s classic film about dirt track speedways and undercover cops revealed much about his real world love of fast cars and fast women. However, Bourbon Legends was also the film that ended one of those loves as it was on the set that Ditch met his first and only love, Rebecca-Lee Carlilse.

At the age of 21, Rebecca-Lee was working at her father’s commissary booth and Ditch, in a recent stint of rehab, frequented the new cappuccino machine. In the proverbial fever, they married in a Vegas chapel delaying the finishing of the film. This, of course, also led to reshoots as Ditch demanded Rebecca-Lee cast as his police secretary. Her exotic beauty and her natural flare for acting won her a starring role in Jungle Goddess Nema (and all subsequent films including the much-loved spin-off series).

After Rebecca-Lee’s tragic murder at age 26, Ditch transformed himself from reckless rebel into society’s dark mirror penning the semi-autobiographical Desert Rose and his drunken Western revenge film Whisky Bottle Rocket in which he both hunts and kills the murderers of his young bride. It would be Ditch’s final homage to Rebecca-Lee, a remake of Shakespeare’s tragedy The Winter’s Tale, that would end Ditch’s film career.

Channeling his anger and rage, but refraining from the bottle, Ditch recorded nonstop and released several albums, each angrier and more melancholy than the last; but each one certified platinum.

Bourbon Legends

  1. Run Chicken Run – Mono Men
  2. Drag Strip – Wally George
  3. Flight Of The Bumble Bee Boogie – Rip Masters
  4. In the Dirt – The Flattrakkers
  5. The Blonde In The 406 – Challengers
  6. Hot Rod Woman – Los Volidos
  7. Cigarettes and Whiskey - Los Volidos
  8. Must’ve Been The Whiskey – The Cowslingers
  9. Dragster – The Lucky Devils
  10. 1965 GTO – Amazing Royal Crowns

Your Best Violence

  1. Run Out Of Town - The Ungodly 77s
  2. Falling Girl – The Jackets
  3. “Rat Face” – THE SPITS
  4. Nitroglycerine – The Gories
  5. Sweet Sweet Sadie - The Teardrops
  6. Held My Baby Last Night – Hound Dog Taylor
  7. Shake My Bones – Menic
  8. Pine Box Ritual – The Guilty Hearts
  9. Too Hot Blues – Heart Attack Alley
  10. Dark Eyes – Jack Oblivian
  11. COLD AND BLIND – Possessed by Paul James
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