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« Digital in Berlin » Recommended #74
Donnerstag, 05. Sep 2013,
22:30 bis 00:00 Uhr
D/B Radio with a view to bringing different styles and directions in music to a wider audience, and so fostering music that has a formidable and extraordinary approach.

- Colour Magic | Cornelius | Design Ah | Warner
- Yajirushi Song | Cornelius | Design AhWarner
- Solid (feat. Marilyn Manson) | Mr OIZO | Amicalement | oizo3000.com
- Lovin' | Mr OIZO | Amicalement | oizo3000.com
- Hot Water | Gulp | Play | Play.Bandcamp.com
- Tone Water | Takeshi Nishimoto | Lavandula | Sonic Pieces
- Frag nicht nach nord-süd-fahrt | Schlammpeitziger | Autopilot Compilation | Emphase
- Just Found This Out | TNJTOS | Standards Volume 2 | Karaoke Kalk
- Never To Be | TNJTOS | Standards Volume 2 | Karaoke Kalk
- Things We Got Up To | TNJTOS | Standards Volume 2 | Karaoke Kalk
- You Used To Dream | Corporate Control | Ten Dry Nails | Upitup
- Empty Verbal Trash | Corporate Control | Ten Dry Nails | Upitup
- Judgment / Armageddon (Jason Forrest rmx) | Guido Möbius | Though The Darkness Gathers | Karaoke Kalk
- Sleepless Nights | Cian Ciaran | They Are Nothing Without Us | Strangetown Records
- Kreidler | Sun | Den | Bureau B
- Im 9 Today| Müm | Yesterday was dramtic, today is ok | Morr Music
- Straßenlaterne | Takeshi Nishimoto | Lavandula | Sonic Pieces
- Design No Kansatsu | Cornelius | Design Ah | Warner
- Oto To Ongaku | Cornelius | Design Ah | Warner
- Drawing Ah | Cornelius | Design Ah | Warner
- Chemin du Singal | Michaela Melián | Monaco | monika enterprise
- Geometrie der Liebe | Michaela Melián | Monaco | monika enterprise
- The Ballad of the Broken Birdie Records | Müm | Yesterday was dramatic… | Morr Music
Über Digital in Berlin
Digital in Berlin presents as agency quality forms of serious music. An online guide, events promoter, organiser, curator and forger of ideas, the Digital in Berlin network is active in all spheres of Berlin sub-culture. Away from mainstream, pop-culture and the conventional society; we report on the most breathtaking city in Europe. Because the destiny of Berlin is a continuous journey with out ever arriving.
Moderated and compiled by: Dirk Markham, Michael Rosen and guests
5 Kommentare
05. Sep 2013 - 22:46
hot water hat mir gefallen
07. Sep 2013 - 12:47
es gab 3 Cornelius tracks viertel vor 12: Oto to Ongaku, Drawing Ah und Design No Kansatsu. alle vom neuen album "Design Ah". mehr zum künstler hier: http://www.cornelius-sound.com/
vollstängige playlist wird am montag gepostet.
vollstängige playlist wird am montag gepostet.