
« Purepresence » Purepresence

Mittwoch, 28. Mär 2012, 01:00 bis 02:00 Uhr
2012-03-28 01:00:00 2012-03-28 02:00:00 CoLaboRadio
Purepresence lädt eine Reihe von internationalen Künstlern ein um Klänge aus dem Radio zu verwenden - als die Quelle ihrer Arbeit.


For this transmission Purepresence has invited Erik Samakh.

Erik Samakh's work is founded on a constant dialog between man and nature. Tuned in to its noises and sounds, colors, and various species, he proceeds like a surveyor.

For some twenty-five years he has been capturing, recording, and restituting in museum spaces what he perceives as a veritable artistic material.

then, he installs and diffuses in all places suited to discovery.

The surrounding space, formerly devoted to the power of images thus becomes a «listening space», but just as readily a space of silence, and transforms our perceptive and perceptible approach to reality.

Erik Samakh also intervenes in the landscape and incites it to react by grafting different instruments of his own design onto it.

Erik Samakh is not so much an acoustician, but an artist of the present day, committed to offering experiences and sensations that go beyond the visible.