

« Garagepunx » Hideout: Bibliodiscoteque #25

Donnerstag, 27. Mär 2014, 05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
2014-03-27 05:00:00 2014-03-27 06:00:00 Pi Radio
Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.

Hideout: Bibliodiscoteque #25

The Gentlemen’s Hour

Roughly four months ago, I received a lovely little package of books from Duane Swierczynski. It contained some great stuff from authors I never read before and, quite possibly, may not have picked up on my own. In the case of Don Winslow that would have been a massive error.

First: He lived, for a brief time, in RI. This may not matter to anyone else outside the 1, 045 miles of America’s smallest state, but for a place that can only really boast H.P. Lovecraft, Poe (while sober), and Cormac McCarthy, we grapple all personage of interest and hold them in a octopod* death grip.

Second: The book is about surfing. A detective pulp with surfing? Yes. Winslow manages to take the darkness and brutality of the pulps and make it digestible for Southern California lifestyle.

Third: This is the guy who penned the Trevanian prequel! Oliver Stone is turning his novel Savages into a film with John Travolta and Uma Thurman. Winslow is good.

Last: Its a chance to play some surf rock, some 80′s punk, and to generally get ready for summer.

Rage Well, === Episode 25 – Don Winslow’s The Gentleman’s Hour

  1. Badge Of Honor – Satan’s Pilgrims
  2. The Sunburst Kid – Bonney & Buzz
  3. Twist, Twist! – Imperial Surfers
  4. San Diego Shutdown – Los Straitjackets
  5. Syncophant – Laika & The Cosmonauts
  6. Mish Mash – Mach Kung Fu
  7. Slaughter Beach – Atomic Mosquitos
  8. Across The Border – Prince Fatty & The Mutant HiFi
  9. Butthole Surfers Theme Song – Butthole Surfers
  10. Rise Above – Black Flag
  11. Plateau – The Meat Puppets
  12. Fortune Favors The Brave – J.F.A.
  13. Bad Kid – Drunk Injuns
  14. History Lesson Part 2 – Minutemen
  15. Why – T. Lance & The Coctails
  16. Aqvanatic Business – Messer Chups
  17. Surfin’ Spooks – The Ghastly Ones
  18. The Drowning Man Knows His God – The Mermen
  19. Last Wave Of The Day – Krontjong Devils
  20. Kalini Wipe Out – The Surf Teens
  21. Black Sea Surf – The Concrete Rivals
  22. Go Go – The Zoggs
  23. Kalifornia – Los Tiki Phantoms
  24. Bulldog – Pedrito Diablo & Los Cadáveras
  25. She’s The One – The Fathoms
  26. Sometimes Good Guys Don’t wear White – The Pretty Things

(*) Octopod is the correct plural. Octo is Greek. Deal with it.

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