« fugitive radio » fugitive frequency: Finance for Future #11
Dienstag, 02. Nov 2021,
17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
‘Finance for Future’ features an interview with activist and campaigner Tonny Nowshin and conversations with Steven Vanholme and Iciar Montes from EKOenergy and Olavi Fellman from Fridays for Future, Helsinki.It concerns the Global Day of Finance Action, 29 October 2021 and coincides with the UN climate conference, COP26, Glasgow 31 October–12 November 2021.

Tonny Nowshin, Steven Vanholme, Iciar Montes, Fossil Banks No Thanks, EKOenergy, Fridays for Future
fugitive radio is an artistic-research project initiated by Sumugan Sivanesan that pursues radio as a social practice. It is concerned with indigenous, migrant, anticolonial and queer voices, narratives, experiences and music. It was initiated in 2020 in collaboration with Pixelache Helsinki and with support from the Kone Foundation. https://fugitive-radio.net/