
2023-05-16 16:00:00 2023-05-16 17:00:00 CoLaboRadio

«ABA's Air SALON» Women Waves
Dienstag, 16. Mai 2023, 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

By Magali Dougoud For this broadcast on Colaboradio, Magali proposes a program called Women Waves, connecting Womxn, Water and Voices in a poetic and ethic approach.

Through texts, voice-overs from her previous videos, sound pieces and music, she constructs a collage of reflections using the same process of montage as in her visual work

ABA Air SALON is a radio format produced by Air Berlin Alexanderplatz, a Berlin based artist initiative dealing with the distribution and documentation of forms of collective and experimental knowledge production. The broadcasts come from different locations in Berlin where we organize salons. At these salons we meet with local actors, artists, scientists and other cultural producers to exchange around research based artistic projects and practices. You can find more information about our program at

ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz) e.V., is a research-oriented artists' initiative founded in Berlin in 2009 by the artists Susanne Kriemann & Aleksander Komarov. The programme focuses on ephemeral artistic research and collective and experimental knowledge production.

88,4 MHz - CoLaboRadio