« Nokogiribiki » John Maus #92

NOKO 092 - John Maus
The man. the maus. the legend!
Are you ‘Maus’ addicted? no problem, we too!
The docent of political philosophy sent us from honolulu a stocking stuffer with 3 albums of his medieval & baroque influenced superpop: Songs, Love Is Real & We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves.
Broadcasted in the tranquil times for the ultimate artist special with some unreleased demos & older projects.
boards of canada - from one source all things depend | BRC-51 bored in columbia ft. red headed roy the butchers boy - dreaming of turkey and ham | VVMT0009
John Maus
- The River (Demos 2011) | Unofficial
- Tenebrae (Love Is Real) | Utr015v
- Fantastic Light (Demos 2011) | Unofficial
- Streetlight (Pitiless Censors*) | Utr049
- Maniac (Songs) | Utr003
- Quantum Leap (Pitiless Censors*) | Utr049
- Don’t Talk To Strangers W/ Ariel Pink (Loverboy) | Ae2176
- Ghosts W/ Ariel Pink (Loverboy) | Ae2176
- Head For The Country (Pitiless Censors*) | Utr049
- Times Is Weird (Love Is Real) | Utr015v
- Time To Die (Songs) | Utr003
- Gary War - Please Don’t Die | Shdwply
- That Night (Songs) | Utr003
- Forever And Ever And Ever (Songs) | Utr003
- The Fear (I Want To Live) | Unofficial
- The Law (I Want To Live) | Unofficial
- Don’t Be A Body (Songs) | Utr003
- The Peace That Earth Cannot Give (Songs) | Utr003
- Do Your Best (Love Is Real) | Utr015v
- Believer (Pitiless Censors*) | Utr049
- Bennington (Beaterblocker) | Bbr 001
- Less Talk More Action (Love Letters From Hell) | Unofficial
- 1987 (I Want To Live) | Unofficial
- Mater Of Fact (Pitiless Censors*) | Utr049
- Rights For Gays (Love Is Real) | Utr015v
- Intermission | Street Machine Tv Commercial (Maus Mix) | Utr049
- Hate Music (Love Letters From Hell) | Unofficial
- Cop Killer (Pitiless Censors*) | Utr049
- Real Bad Job (Songs) | Utr003
- Credit W/ Ariel Pink (Worn Copy) | Paw005
- Intermission | Calvista Production Logo (Maus Mix) | Utr049
- To Much Money (Love Is Real) | Utr015v
- Gary War Ft. Jimi Hey - Good Clues | Shdwply
- Mausspace (For Mausspace) | Exclusive 2007
- Michael Van Den Abeele - Beach Fatigue | Muz02
- Vangelis - 12 O’clock (Mausmix) | Utr049
- And Heaven Turned To Her Weeping (Songs) | Utr003
- Ariel Pink - Angel (Live On Kxlu) (Loverboy) | Ae2176
- Of North Of North Stars (Songs) | Utr003
We must become the pitiless censors of ourselves
- John Callaghan - I Get Along Without You, Of Course I Do | Slap1
- Butcher Claws With Queen - Thank Pig It’s Christmas | Vvmt14
- Frederik Schikowski - I’ll Not Kiss And Hold You, My Dear | Esel33
Outro | The Eggnog Chorus - Dog Ye Rest Gentlemen Merry | Vvmt0009
- Eine Sendung vom 12. Dezember 2011 auf Radio Blau.
Weird broadcast radio since 2005.
Eine Sendeübernahme von Radio Blau aus Leipzig.