
« Digital in Berlin » Recommended #90b

Donnerstag, 21. Aug 2014, 22:30 bis 00:00 Uhr
2014-08-21 22:30:00 2014-08-22 00:00:00 Pi Radio
D/B Radio with a view to bringing different styles and directions in music to a wider audience, and so fostering music that has a formidable and extraordinary approach.
Digital in Berlin
Bild: DIB
  1. Dawn of Midi | Algol | Dysnomia | Thirsty Ear
  2. Dawn of Midi | Moon | Dysnomia | Thirsty Ear
  3. Gruff Rhys | The Last Conquistador | American Interior | Turnstile
  4. Gruff Rhys | Lost Tribes | American Interior | Turnstile
  5. AMEO | Opening (Live Version) | Live on Planet Earth | Alient Transistor
  6. Candie Hank | Magnetic Forcefield | Demons | Shitkatapult
  7. Candie Hank | Elevator Life | Demons | Shitkatapult
  8. Guido Möbius | All Around Me | Spirituals | Karaoke Kalk
  9. Quasi Dub Development | Yak Attack | Little-Twister vs Stiff-Neck | Pingipung
  10. Quasi Dub Development | Wolf Wolf (ft. Lady Ann) | Little-Twister vs Stiff-Neck | Pingipung
  11. Büromaschinen | Face Distortion | Time Capsule Vol. 1 | Upitup
  12. Büromaschinen | Chirptune | Time Capsule Vol. 1 | Upitup
  13. mouse on mars | polaroyced | parastrophics | monkeytown
  14. Dawn of Midi | Sinope | Dysnomia | Thirsty Ear
  15. Plaid | Squance | Double Figure | Warp Records
  16. Gruff Rhys | Allweddellau Allweddol | American Interior| Turnstile
  17. Psycho & Plastic | Rush | Gold/Rush | GiveUsYourGOLD
  18. Kreidler | Moth Race | Den | Bureau B
  19. Kreidler | Sun | Den | Bureau B
  20. Quasi Dub Development | Let's Communicate (ft. Lee 'Scratch' Perry) | Little-Twister vs Stiff-Neck | Pingipung

Über Digital in Berlin

Digital in Berlin presents as agency quality forms of serious music. An online guide, events promoter, organiser, curator and forger of ideas, the Digital in Berlin network is active in all spheres of Berlin sub-culture. Away from mainstream, pop-culture and the conventional society; we report on the most breathtaking city in Europe. Because the destiny of Berlin is a continuous journey with out ever arriving.

Moderated and compiled by: Dirk Markham, Michael Rosen and guests

Wiederholung vom Freitag, 15. Mai 2014, 22:30 Uhr