« radioCONA » radioCONA > Brane Zorman Coder / DECoder
Brane Zorman - CODER / DECODER
This composition is about all and just about communication and hidden protocols.
The title CODER - DECODER describes formation and practical use of a language or a system of a symbols, signs, frequencies. It may sound - look very simple and monotonic but it is very sophisticated in it small tonal shapes fluctuations details.
Only one with a decoder can recognize and use information coded and send out to unknown recipient.
Recorded on Monday, August 4th, noon time, on island in the Adriatic sea.
created, edited and coded to audio: Brane Zorman
produced by CONA, 2014
mehr/ more unter/ under: radiocona.si
or/and: http://aporee.org/mfm/ (scroll down ;)