« On the Move »
Slow Pete is On The Move, presen/ng new musical discoveries from all over. No Genre is leF out by default, no record is to weird not to be played out. If there is a country, in which a record has been made, than be sure sooner or later it will be featured on the show. Musically On The Move circles round a magic decagon, set up from Hiphop, Funk and Soul, >razilian discoveries, African nuggets, obviously music from the .est Indies, Avant-garde, electronic experiments, psychedelic incursions, different styles of Jazz, as well as all sorts of world music. Obviously Slow Pete has his /mes and moods focusing on certain aspects every now and again but in general everything is open and in con/nuous flow. Minifeatures are possible as well as contribu/ons from befriended selectors. Diversity is program and behind each tune is a story.