
« Matters of Transmission » Datscha Radio: Fluctuations

Dienstag, 08. Sep 2020, 15:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
2020-09-08 15:00:00 2020-09-08 16:00:00 CoLaboRadio
Radio artists Gabi Schaffner, Helen Thein, Kate Donovan and Niki Matita investigated the Firefly festival and the unusual biotopes of the Floating University in radiophonic expeditions.
Matters of Transmission

They welcomed the participating artists of the Firefly project, curated by Karin Weissenbrunner, at their make-shift radio studio on a little float in the rain water retention basin of Tempelhofer Feld and visited their concerts and installations in this fluctuating space between effective area and dreamscape, biomass and place of retreat.

Voices: Datscha Radio team (Gabi Schaffner, Helen Thein, Kate Donovan and Niki Matita), Ute Lindenbeck (Floating), Stefanie Loveday, Ana Maria Rodriguez, Manami N. and JD Zazie Recording, edit, bricolage: Niki Matita

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This series is dedicated to broadcasting various forms of radio and transmission art.