
2024-02-20 16:00:00 2024-02-20 17:00:00 CoLaboRadio

«ABA's Air SALON» Whisper me this: Elif Özbay Satanaya
Dienstag, 20. Feb 2024, 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

by ABA

There were some voice notes, or it might as well have been some whispers in the dark. I sleep light, so I wake up again at 3:35, and this is what I see: the white sound machine is red, and my oil diffuser is violet. The LED strip combines magenta (magenta doesn’t exist) and orange—y—a high pitch of a broken-down fridge from upstairs. Only I can hear it. Flashback to: He laughs while blasting the radio - speakers wonky about to explode my eardrums. I can whisper you this, and only this. 

ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz) e.V., is a research-oriented artists' initiative founded in Berlin in 2009 by the artists Susanne Kriemann & Aleksander Komarov. The programme focuses on ephemeral artistic research and collective and experimental knowledge production. ABA’s operations consist of the conception, curation and implementation of various presentational formats: The organization of salons in different locations across the city, the release of publications, the stewardship of a residency-program and the maintenance of a website as a central place for documentation and archiving of these forms of ephemeral knowledge production.

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